
The following link provides directions to Harlaxton Manor:

Directions to Harlaxton Manor

Should you be traveling by train these leave King’s Cross on a regular basis for Grantham. Harlaxton Manor is approximately 10 minutes taxi ride from the station.

Centrebus numbers 9, 55 and 56 travel between Grantham and Harlaxton, Mondays to Saturdays. Please note that buses stop at the end of the drive, next to the Gregory Arms. You may wish to take into consideration that the drive is a mile long!

Local taxi services:

Grantham Taxis 01476 594594

QA Taxis 01476 403794

Amber Cabs 01476 566966

Dave’s Taxis 01476 571210

A1 Taxi Enterprise 01476 574141

Can Cabs 01476 592227

Street Cars 01476 590008

Budget Taxis 01476 700792

I.T.A. Taxis 01476 577677

Discount Cabs 01476 591059